I grew up in a small town in the Pyrenees (France) where my love of the outdoors was fostered through long hikes in the mountains with my family. In my late 20’s, I moved to Manly, Australia - drawn by the promise of new and foreign landscapes. Through my passion of discovering and exploring the outdoors began an interest in photography.


I had always appreciated landscape photography but had never taken it further than the compact digital camera I carried everywhere. Then in my late 30’s (in an attempt to stop me talking about how much I’d love to try photography one day) my partner bought me my first second-hand DSLR. It was the push I needed.


Four years later, after learning photography mostly through short workshops and watching YouTube videos, I never go a weekend without taking photos and travel overseas at least once a year to discover new landscapes. I am still torn between the mountains and the coast as my true love and this is regularly reflected in my work.